
User Guide: Security Questionnaire - End to End flow

Video Tutorial (Recommended to watch at 1.75x speed): https://www.loom.com/share/12bda035f75849a49fcda6750201941d

*NOTE: The Private Account Mode options are an Enterprise plan feature. Please contact us if you do not see this in your Security Portal customization settings menu.

  1. If you'd like Private Security Portal viewers to be able to upload questionnaires through your Private status Page, turn on "Enable Questionnaire Uploader" in the Security Portal tab under the gear icon in the upper right.
  1. Private Security Portals will now have the option to allow your prospective customers to upload a security questionnaire file or link to get the security review process started.
  1. Clicking on the Upload link will prompt your prospective customer to choose the security questionnaire to be completed.
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  1. You can access the uploaded questionnaire or link from within the specific Account page for the customer/prospect (be sure to integrate with Slack or turn on email notification for these events).
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  3. You can use Knowledge Base with previously uploaded questionnaires to answer the questionnaire. You can then send the completed version back to prospective customer by looking at the "Uploaded By" column for the uploader's email.