
User Guide: Analytics

The analytics tab in SafeBase provides an in-depth look at how your users are interacting with your Security Portal.

The default time duration for the metrics shown is the past 7 days. You can change the duration in the top right corner to either the last 24 hours or the last month.


Metrics Tracked

Metric NameDescription
Public Portal Views
Number of unique views on your public-facing Security Portal
Private Portal Views
Number of unique views on your privately-shared Security Portal
The number of comments sent through SafeBase
Access Requests Received
The number of access requests received from users on your public-facing Security Portal
NDA Completed
The number of NDA forms completed through SafeBase and DocuSign

Visitors Metrics

Metric NameDescription
If the user is logged in, their name will be recorded and displayed. If the user is not logged in, the Name field will list them as Anonymous.
If the user is logged in, the Account they are connected with will be displayed.
The nearest city that the user is located in will be displayed.
The date and time of the their visit will be displayed.

Security Portal Card Metrics

Metric NameDescription
Card Name
The name of the card that was clicked (ie. Reports, Data Security, etc)
Times Clicked
The number of times that a card was clicked on.
Times Expanded
The number of time that a card was expanded (card details shown in the side panel)
Average Time on Card
The average amount of time that has been spent reviewing the contents of a card